GHK M4 Loading Nozzle 1 Joule Version
- Brand: GHK
- Product Code: M4 Loading Nozzle 1 Joule Version
- Availability: In Stock
GHK M4 1 joule loading nozzle Part M4-15 1J.
GHK data for this version is approx 100m/s using 12KG gas.
This will vary depending on ambient temperatures length of barrel and the gas type used.
Do not purchase this nozzle if you are intending to use CO2 magazines as the muzzle energy will exceed 1 Joule.
It is impossible to 'set' the muzzle energy of a gas blowback rifle as there are too many variables involved.
These are the gas type used, any modifications carried out, use of CO2 or HPA systems and above all the ambient temperature on the day.
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